You Don’t Need Money To Start A Business

 A little boy went to his father and said, dad, I want to build the tallest building in our village. The father looked at him and told him, to stop looking at the tall building. Start with one block and two, then three and four. The boy was unhappy with his father's advice, so he asked, how can one, two and three blocks become a skyscraper? The father answered Everything starts from zero.

I'll explain the details of this story as we go on in this blog post I'll try to use this blog post to share with you the reasons why you don't need money to start a business. If you're new here, consider subscribing so you won't miss other interesting posts like this to start with. I think you and I need to be on the same page when I said that you don't need money to start a business.

I mean, you don't need your money to start a business. I mean, you don't need to have money to start a business. I mean, if as you're watching this video you have $0 to your name, that's still not enough excuse not to start a business. Zero to 100 I've talked about the concept of zero to 100 in one of our posts and I think a lot of people liked it. So I want to talk about it again.

You see, it's very important for you as a potential entrepreneur to understand that entrepreneurship is not the process of turning 50 to 100. Entrepreneurship is the process of turning zero to 100. If I can convince the whole world to understand this simple concept we'll have too many companies. This time next year. You see, the reason why most people cannot be an entrepreneur is that they are waiting for 50 they will turn 100. When people wait for 50, they will turn to 100.

Most times they will not see the 50 and then they will make excuses that the reason why they can't start a business is that they don't have money.No, you don't need to have money to build a business. You just need to learn and know how to turn zero to 100. How do you turn zero to 100? My life was drastically changed around the year 20 07 20 08. What happened was that for the first time in my life I came across the concept of OPM other people's money. I later understood opt other people's time and OPB other people's brains. When I understood these concepts, I was born into a new world. A new world of unlimited possibilities. Instead of thinking and worrying about what I didn't have, I instead started learning how to get what I didn't have from the people who have it.

Isn't that interesting? What if you can learn how to get whatever you need from the people who do have it?What if you can get all the money you need to start a business from the people who have the money.What if you can get all the time you need to build a company from the people who have it?What if you can get all the brain power you need from the people who have it? Yes, you actually can get everything you need to start a business from the people who do have those things.

I'm not telling you motivational words here. I'm telling you about the game I've played for eleven years. I took myself from extreme poverty to reasonable wealth just by learning how to get whatever I needed from whoever had it. If you can get everything you need from the people who have them, you won't complain that you didn't start a business because you didn't have money. The Impossible World yesterday I was listening to Gary Vee here on YouTube and I heard him saying to always see what you're looking for. This statement resonates so much with me because I grew up in one of the most negative societies you can ever imagine. I'm an African, and if you're an American or European watching this video, I'm sorry there are no words for me to describe the kind of society where I grew up in you just can't understand. I mean a world where almost everyone I knew believed that they were in hellfire. The world where the media never writes essays any positive thing about the world.Where nobody in your family will ever encourage you to do anything extraordinary.

But in this very world, I decided to look for the possibility of building a company even though I had no money. I learned about negotiation. I read about humans and the way their brains work. I read tons of books about business life and how people rose from zero to one ZeroZero.As I read, I took action. As I took action, I made mistakes and failed. The more I acted, the more I got feedback in the form of mistakes and the better I became. Napoleon Hill said there are too many resources in the world for those who know how to get them. And I can tell you that that's true. At a point in my entrepreneurial real life, I had to reject someone who wanted to invest in my business because I already had more than enough money from someone else. But again, someone will watch this video and say, well, that's not possible in my country.

Well, you will always see what you look for. Whatever you believe is possible is what you will learn how to achieve. If I don't believe that it was possible to build a company without money, I wouldn't wake up every day to learn how to achieve it. If you think it's not possible to get all the resources you need to start a business from others, I respect your opinion and wish you good luck. The World Needs Proof I've met so many people who wanted to start a business and said no one helps me.

The question I asked them is how have you proved that you believe in their vision? You see, I've often said it on this channel that nobody cares about you. And many people have misinterpreted that as what I didn't mean. When I say that nobody cares about you, I don't mean that people don't love you. I instead mean that every human thinks about themselves first and you only come second. You're the only person that can think about you first. So don't ever expect that anyone else believes in you when you've not shown that you believe in yourself. If you want to see what I'm seeing in the practical sense, I appeal to you to watch Shark Tank. Shark Tank is a TV show where entrepreneurs try to get investors to invest in their businesses. Watch this show and notice the kinds of businesses these investors invest in.

Two things become obvious first, sharks never invest in any idea except to perceive that the owner of the idea believes in his idea. Second, how do they know you believe in your idea and that you have done something about it? You have started it in a little way. 

You have tested the market and you have proof that people want your product. Most people who want to start a business don't believe in their business idea. This shows, in fact, that you do nothing about the idea. If you believe in your business idea, you'll have the courage that requires you to start in a small way, study your industry, and know what nobody else knows about that business idea.

If you believe in your business idea, you wake up every morning to do something about it. And when you fail, you'll never give up, because you really believe that your idea can change some lives. Enthusiasm is contagious. When you believe in your own business ideas strongly, you have the power to make other people believe in them. And when other people believe in it, they will be willing to support you to accomplish the mission. Building A Skyscraper From the Middle remember the story I told you at the beginning of this video? The boy wanted to build a skyscraper but he didn't want to start with a single block.

Most potential entrepreneurs are like that boy, and that's why they never get anyone to support their vision again. Entrepreneurship is not about turning 50 to 100. It's about turning zero to 100. Do you want to build a skyscraper? You have to first believe in that vision. You have to first believe that building a skyscraper will make the world a better place. Then go and buy the first block. If you don't have money to buy a block, go and do hard labor to get the money. Make one block two and two blocks four. Make four blocks eight, and make eight blocks 16. As you're building, keep on learning and believing. Read books from people who have achieved what you want to achieve.

And learn about the subject an average man won't care about. Learn about human psychology, negotiation, and marketing. Learn about human relationships and leadership. If you don't know books you should read on these subjects. Search Google for the best books on any one of these. As you struggle to build one block and another and learn, then try and persuade people to support your vision. Please note you don't try and persuade people to support nonexistent businesses because no reasonable person will support such. You can only get people to support you with 1000 blocks after you've already gotten 100 blocks on your own. Because you actually have is a sign that you have faith in yourself.

If you can't figure out how to labor hard to get 100 blocks on your own, nobody will support you. To get 1000 blocks, you need to build that tall building. And yes, when you try and get the resources you need

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