The Most Powerful Practice You’re Not Doing!


Most people don't know how to make decisions. This is not a statement of theory. This is a fact. I was doing this when I was cleaning floors. No education. I didn't know how to run a business. This is powerful stuff. That's why successful people make decisions so fast. They know what they want. Let those lines represent levels of vibration.

Every frequency is connected to the one above and the one below. They're all connected. There's no line of demarcation where one frequency stops and another starts. They're all connected and they're all together. Think of this. That's my phone. That represents my phone. This represents your phone. If I want to talk to you on your phone, I've got to get on your frequency. The second I'm on your frequency, you and I are connected. It doesn't matter where you are in the world. If I dial your number like that, I'm connected to you. Make no difference where you are.

I could take a picture here. I could hit send and simultaneously with me hitting it. You've got it. There's a great lesson here for us. We seem to have a basic understanding of this. I think what I'm saying here, everyone in the room understands this. When we're using our phones, however, when it comes to life, we get lost. We don't seem to understand it. Well, let's try to understand it. Concerning decisions. We operate on the frequency. My voice is being amplified at a particular frequency.

You and I think on frequencies. Thought is energy. Do you know your thoughts are the most potent form of energy there is? Your thought would make the laser beam look like a toy. You'll have a friend a long way away from you, and you're thinking about them a lot. And damn it, the phone doesn't ring. It's them. You say you're thinking. Your thoughts activated cells in their brain that caught them thinking of you and they foam you. We do this all the time. Okay? Now let's suppose this is the frequency that you're thinking on. If that's the frequency you're thinking on, that's going to dictate the results that you get. The results you get are nothing but the manifestation of your own thinking. We become what we think about. That is the one point that every great leader has agreed on. They've disagreed on virtually every other idea but that one. We become what we think about. Now, let's clearly understand nothing is created or destroyed. All science and all theology teach that all the ideas, it's all the knowledge or otherwise, ever will be on the press. 

It's all here. We didn't have to get it. We've already got it. What we do is got to do is tune into it. So let's say that's where we want to go. This is where I am. That's where I want to go. How do I get there? Well, I'll say I'm going to do that. This is where the average person is thinking. You can relate to that. I'm going to do that as soon as the kids are out of school. That's not going to do it. I'm going to start my own business as soon as I get the money. And you know, you do that and pretty soon the decision fades and then the goal fades. Why? They didn't get the money, so he couldn't do it. The problem was he didn't have the money. You talk to anybody that's high in finance and they'll tell you that money is never the problem. Ideas are the problem. You got the right idea, you'll always find the money.

But you see, we're thinking down here on this frequency. Your mind and your thoughts are down here on this frequency. What you want is up here on a higher frequency. You cannot get what you want up there. Well, your thoughts are down here. Your mind and thoughts must focus on the same frequency as what you want. If you want it, it's already here. And you make a decision, it's got to be a committed decision. You say I'm doing that. Now. The second you make a committed decision, everything starts to change. You begin to think and act like the person you want to become. You stop thinking down there. You're thinking up here. Now you're thinking on a higher frequency. Want is the only prerequisite for making a decision. Doesn't matter whether you have the money. Do you really want it? If you really want it, you will get it. But you've got to really want it. And you also have to understand that everything you need is here. But you've got to be specific. You can be a waiter. If somebody leaves you a nice tip, you got more money. That's not it. You've got to be specific about how much more money. You know exactly what you want and you don't have to know where it will come from.

You do not have to understand all the basic principles between sending the picture to the person on the other side of the world for it to get there. All you have to do is know how to do it. Want is the only prerequisite for making a decision that is so important. You should write it down. Write it somewhere that you're going to see it often. Maybe get a sign and put it up in your house. This is such powerful information, you'd think it would be taught in all schools. The truth is, it's not. That's rather sad because it can be, but it's not. You only have to know what you want. It doesn't matter whether you've got the money. It makes no difference. It doesn't matter whether you've got the resources. That doesn't make any difference. It doesn't matter if you know the right people. It doesn't make any difference. Now, this sounds so preposterous to a person that's never studied this.

Listen, the money is here. You know that song Love is in the Air. You know the song will change the lyrics. The money is in the air. It is when you're in harmony with it, you will never stop it flowing. Your money goes where it's invited and it stays where it's welcomed. Listen to most people, and the way they talk about money, you think it is the worst stuff in the world. I get so sick of it. I just never have enough money. But they're getting very angry. Why don't you change your attitude? Now? You see, that really sounds stupid. Here they are, they're in need of money and somebody says change your attitude. They don't even know what attitude is yet.

It sounds like we need so much more than attitude change. But really that's all I changed. So you've got to understand what attitude is. See, there's a power flowing to and through you, Daisy. It's flowing right into your consciousness. It has no form. It's a clear, unadulterated power. And as it flows into your conscious mind, you have the ability to make out of anything you want. Do you know something? I don't know if you know what you want, but you are a persistent individual. You are naturally persistent. You're genetically designed. That way we can do anything. We've got the faculties to do the job. Most of us are going by what we hear. See, smell, taste, touch. But your lessons come from your inside world, not outside, inside. And you have to use your higher faculties. Perception, the will, reason, imagination, memory, and intuition. Want is the only prerequisite for making a decision. You've got to get this burden, this into your mind. You don't even have to understand this in any depth. Just accept it if you really want it. That's all you need. You don't need the money, you don't need to know how you're going to get it. You don't need to know any of that stuff.

But you've got to really want it. You've done this, you've done this in different times, not really understanding what you've done. Look at this paradigm in cybernetics. Anybody has read Psycho? or Cybernetics? Psycho cybernetics was written by Napoleon Hill. It is so good. Cybernetics is the science of control and communication in animals. In some machines, cybernetic control your thermostat or the. The thermostat controls house the cybernetic systems and the thermostat. It'll change the temperature of the house.

It will turn the heat on, turn it off, turn the air on, and turn it off automatically when you deviate from the set goal is may be to have the house at 69 or 70. It'll hold it at that. If somebody leaves the door open and he gets too hot or too cold, the thermostat will shift it. It'll change the air conditioning of the furnace. It's all done automatically. Well, your paradigm is like a thermostat. It's like a cybernetic system. Paradigms and cybernetics are both control systems. They operate essentially on the same principle. Both maintain a definite course of action and will not deviate from the course that has been established.

While most people's paradigm has been working toward a bad end, most people's paradigm has them working toward debt. Most people's paradigm has been working towards dumb jobs. You must alter the paradigm if you desire to achieve improved results. A company operates on a paradigm. A country operates on a paradigm. It's called culture. You have a culture in your family. The family has a paradigm. The family operates a certain way. Well, this is something the family always does. And if one of the kids wants to go out, what? How are you doing? We've always done this. It's a family. Well, let me let you in on a secret, dad. I'm changing the paradigm. You're going to be strong. But if you're going to be strong, you've got to be aware. Awareness is power. We have to become aware.
The school focuses on the intellect and the degree.

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