The 3 SACRIFICES You Need To Make to Escape Poverty

 When I was around 17, I came across Brian Tracy and fell in love with his teaching. I would go to the internet cafe at night because I couldn't afford the normal fee during the day. I would spend hours in the night listening to Tracy and reading his quote. 

One particular sentence stuck with me from Tracy, and that is, if you want to achieve something different, you have to do something different. If you want to achieve what you've never achieved, you have to do what you've never done before. 

Growing up, I wrote the above sentence and pasted it in my room. And each day when I see those words, I knew I had to make sacrifices. It's very simple. If your life is not what you want it to be right now, you have to be willing to do something different.

And don't let me sugarcoat anything. Here you would move from one easy well to another. Doing something different means getting out of your comfort zone. And this is never going to be easy. In today's video, I'm going to be sharing with you the three sacrifices you need to make to escape poverty. 

If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting videos like this take time to read. When most of my friends and relatives know what I have achieved in my life today, it's easy for them to envy me.

Just 17 years ago, I was just one of the young people whose life was a disaster. I hated my life and wished I was never born because I was born into poverty, sickness, and many other limitations. So how was I able to change my life? 

From being a guy who hated life to creating one of the best lives ever for myself. Books, books, books. My life changed the day I started reading books. And I'll explain how it happened. First when I started reading books started reading the stories of ordinary people who achieved extraordinary things. 

These stories encouraged me and gave me hope that I could as well overcome every obstacle in my way and achieve greatness in my life. I think this is very simple. If you know that some people have some disadvantages you think you have yet gone on to achieve greatness, you suddenly start to believe in yourself.

When you start to believe in yourself, you start to think big. And when you increase the size of your dreams, you automatically increase what is possible with your life. In my case, I started believing that I could become rich, even though I grew up in a poor village. 

I started believing that I could become a millionaire. And this belief led me to something very important. I started looking for how to achieve what I believe I could achieve by reading books written by people who have made a lot of money before. 

I started learning the mindsets and actions of these people. And the more I modeled these people, the better my financial life. Yes, it took me eight long years before my financial life had a drastic change. 

Without reading books, I would have never made it. One other thing you can do in addition to reading books and watching videos that tell stories about successful people. We've dedicated a whole channel for this purpose and we call it Fame TV. 

You can join Fame TV in the description box. Yes, books are boring, but so is every meaningful thing. Fruits are boring and vegetables are boring, but if you want to be healthy, you'll eat more of them. 

Soda drinks are fun, sugar is sweet, and fast foods are nice, but if you like your health, you'll run away from them. The TV is fun and social media is interesting, but if you want to escape poverty, you'll spend more time with your books. 

Some time ago, I got to know that Bill Gates reads one book every week. I've also read about the fact that an average millionaire reads one book every week. If an average millionaire does something, it's probably a good thing to emulate. 

So I decided that I'm going to be read. One book every week. This isn't easy, and I'm not asking you to start reading a book per week. But you have to make sacrifices to read books if you want to escape poverty. 

Don't make excuses. I told you earlier that sugar is sweet and you agree that hard drugs, fast foods and most other harmful things are fun. Another very sweet thing is excuses, and that's why most people make it. 

Listen. You can come up with 100 reasons why you are where you are if you want, and you can as well come up with a single reason why you need to be elsewhere. The difference is in the way you use the powerful machine God gave you. 

That machine is your brain. If you program your brain to look for the reasons why you are poor, your reticular activating system will be busy looking for reasons, and you'll start seeing how the economy, the government, and your parents make you poor. 

Your brain will quickly show you how your lack of education, your health challenge, your childhood, or even the country in you were born are the reasons why you're poor. If, however, you program your brain to look for why you must be rich, you'll start seeing that even in a bad economy, some people are making hundreds of thousands of dollars in legitimate businesses. 

Poverty is an unfortunate reality for a large portion of the global population, but it doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to a life of hardship forever. With the right attitude and a willingness to make sacrifices, you can work to escape poverty and create a better life for yourself and your family. Here are three of the most important sacrifices you need to make to escape poverty.

1. Sacrifice Time: One of the biggest sacrifices you need to make to escape poverty is time. You’ll need to put in extra hours, whether it’s finding a better paying job, taking on extra shifts, or taking classes to gain new skills. You’ll need to focus on the long-term rewards, rather than the immediate gratification of spending time with friends or engaging in leisure activities.

2. Sacrifice Comfort: To escape poverty, you’ll need to make sacrifices in terms of comfort. This might mean giving up some of the creature comforts that you’re used to, such as eating out or taking taxis. You’ll need to be pragmatic and prioritize your money towards more important things, like saving for your future.

3. Sacrifice Relationships: Finally, you might need to make some sacrifices in terms of relationships. This might mean cutting ties with people who are a negative influence and instead, investing your time in people who can help you become successful. This doesn’t mean that you have to be selfish, but it does mean that you have to be selective with how you spend your time.

Escaping poverty isn’t easy, and it’s not something that will happen overnight. But if you’re willing to make the necessary sacrifices, you can create a better future for yourself and your family. Take the time to evaluate the sacrifices you need to make and start taking the steps to create a better life.

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