If You Do This, You Will Make Money In 2023 || Reno Omokri

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In this discussion, we will cover strategies for preparing to earn income in 2023. By planning ahead, we can bring the future into the present and increase our control over the outcome. This allows us to shape our financial future and increase our chances of success.

This investment offers a significant return, with estimates ranging from 50% to 75%. We have already developed plans and projections for 2023 that will assist us in making more informed financial decisions and maximizing our profits.

Over the years, I've been teaching you how to make money on the S&P 500. It's important to remember that when investing in the S&P 500, you want to pay attention to what the market is doing and not just leave your money there. This is the same advice I gave when it comes to investing in cryptocurrency. I made a lot of money with crypto this year, but I also know that many people lost money because they didn't actively buy and sell. The S&P 500 is more stable than crypto because it has a 96-year history, while crypto has only had a few years of indexing. It's important to be cautious when investing in an instrument with a shorter history.

The stability of a negotiable instrument, such as the S&P 500, depends on the amount of information available about it. According to Goldman Sachs, a leading investment bank, the S&P 500 is expected to reach a plateau of 4000 basis points in 2023. Currently, the S&P 500 is at 3995 basis points. The earnings per share (EPS) for the S&P 500 is expected to be stagnant in the coming year because money has become more expensive.

On November 2, the US central bank increased its interest rate by 0.75 basis points in an effort to tame inflation, which had reached a 40-year high of 8.2%. The following day, the Bank of England followed suit by increasing its interest rate by the same amount. Other central banks in Europe also made similar moves. The goal of these rate hikes is to bring down the high level of inflation, which is currently at 7.7% year-over-year. These measures are unusual for the US, as it is more common in countries like Nigeria, which had high inflation under former President Jonathan.

 The current policies being implemented are having a positive effect, but they are also causing borrowing costs to increase for both large corporations and individuals, leading to less spending and a slowing down of the economy. Bank of America, the largest bank in the US, predicts that the country will lose at least 150,000 jobs per month for the next three to four months. This will likely result in decreased growth in the stock market, such as the S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Dow Jones. If you follow my advice and invest in the S&P 500, it may be wise to consider pulling your money out or waiting until the situation improves. However, it is difficult to predict exactly what will happen, as these are only projections from Goldman Sachs.

I am planning to pull my money out of the housing market because projections show that it is likely to crash by as much as 40%. This is already happening in some areas, such as Florida, and is expected to spread throughout the market. Instead, I plan to wait until 2023 to re-enter the real estate market, when I believe the market will have hit rock bottom. To do this, I will be timing the market using my own indexing techniques. For example, if a house that was worth $1 million at the beginning of the year drops to $550,000, I will consider this the bottom of the market and invest my money in that house.

Real estate is a good investment because it always has value due to the limited space available on Earth. The increasing population also means there will always be demand for real estate. While the market may fluctuate, it will eventually recover. I plan to invest in real estate when I think the market has dropped enough, possibly in February or March, with the expectation that the market will bounce back. It's important to have the cash on hand to make this kind of investment. I encourage you to consider doing the same.

To invest in the real estate market in the United States or Canada, it is recommended to have at least a 10% downpayment. However, as a resident of the United States, you may only need to put in 3%. Keep in mind, there is no requirement for citizenship or residency to invest in these markets. It is important to save your money and avoid purchasing consumer products like new phones or cars in preparation for a potential housing market crash. If you have any questions about this information, feel free to leave them in the comments section and my staff will bring them to me for a response.

Please be aware that I do not have a Telegram channel or Gmail email address for scams. Some people have created fake YouTube profiles with my image and are approaching people in the comments section, trying to scam them. Don't fall for it. This is just a personal message from me, Renault, who travels the world and hopes to inspire others. Remember, I am only one man fighting against poverty. God bless you.

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