How To Make Money With ChatGPT As A Beginner In 2022 (Easy 10 Minute Guide)

 What's going on, guys? So I found the craziest AI software and this thing is absolutely insane. It's brand new. It's called chat GPT. And lots of people have been talking about this insane AI software. And in this blog post, I'm going to show you exactly how you can make money with chat GPT. I've been working online for many years and I've never, ever, ever seen advanced AI software like this. It's absolutely crazy. I'm now using it every day in my online business.

And what I want to do in this blog post I will show you exactly how you can make money with this, and how you can do it for free. And I'm going to take you through everything step by step. I'm going to take you through the basics of this software so you understand exactly how this works. And more importantly, I'm going to show you how to make money with this. So let's jump straight into this topic and I will show you exactly how you can make money online with chat GPT. You're going to want to read all the way to the end, because this thing is absolutely, absolutely insane.

It's going to blow your mind. All right, guys now, we're not going to get into all of the stuff that this can do because it's actually very complex. But what I'm going to show you is some basic ways that you can use this to make money online. And this is an insane AI bot that people have been using. They've been using it for many things. Like, for example,  people have been using it to fix code and things like that, but we're not going to be using it for that today. There are heaps of examples of things that it can actually do. Now, this might look very confusing, but once I actually show you how this all works, you're going to be like, wow, this is actually amazing. And I can use this for lots of different things. Now, this is completely free for you to use. So during the research preview, usage of chat GPT is free. So I'm not sure if that means they might bring out some plans later or not. But right now you can go and try this for free.

watch my video below:

Now, the first thing you do is you want to actually go and sign up for the chat GPT. You can go to and if you want, you can scroll all the way down to the bottom and go chat GPT. And there will be a signup button on the right. I've already signed up and I'm actually logged in. Once you log in, it's going to look like this, a fundamental screen. It doesn't even scroll down. Now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you an example of how this actually works. And then I'll show you how you can make money with this particular AI software. Now, this is actually insane. So what I want to do is show you an example and then I'll show you how to make money online with this software.

So this is an example right here that they actually give you. You can do this as well. Got any creative ideas for ten-year-old birthdays? So if we go and click on this, what it does is it puts it in the thing down here in the little spot and we go like this. And what it does is it gives us suggestions and ideas for a birthday party, which is really, really cool and we'll just let it do its thing until it finishes. So I think it's going to give us probably about ten things. Okay, it's giving us ten things, and then I'm going to go, can you make it longer? Question mark.

Now it did actually take a while there to think about things, but now it's spitting out more and it's probably going to give us another ten I would assume around about. Or you could say, can you make it shorter? There are so many things you can do with this specific software. So it's now given us 20 ideas and it's that easy. We can literally go and use this if we want to. So now I'm going to go reset the thread and we're going to go back to the start. So how can you actually go ahead and make some money with this specific AI bot? Well, it's actually very simple and in this blog post am going to give you two examples of how you can go and make money online with this. What you want to do is you want to head over to and on you want to put in something like you want to find something that people will actually go and purchase a service from you.

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