DO THIS and You Will Never Worry About MONEY Again | Bob Proctor Motivation

What should Someone think about if they're struggling financially right now or they feel like they've been struggling for many years and it feels like they're just surviving week after week, month after month? They're not sure how to get to that kind of sense of freedom for at least a six-month runway or beyond. What should they start thinking about? Do you know what you've just described? I believe the majority of people are living that way. The majority. Now, that's rather sad, but they think it's true.

And it's because we only have one problem in the whole world, and that's ignorance. They're living in ignorance. They don't know that what they're doing is going to keep them where they are. And they keep doing it because they don't know how to change. They're overwhelmed with debt. People are saying, I need the money. They haven't got it. They want to take their family on a vacation. They don't have the money to go, so they may borrow it and go anyway. Now they got more debt. They have to understand that they don't have to live that way. I wrote a book called You're Born. The truth is you are.

Most people are just a little short of money, but you are born rich, rich in potential. And then you focus on prosperity. You've got to have a financial goal. You've got to work toward it. And you've got to understand that you can earn more than you're earning. And loyalty people don't have one source of income. They have more than one. I was earning money all last night while I was sleeping. You can actually earn more money when you're sleeping than you can spend when you're awake. It sounds like a cute line, but it's true. There's no end to what we can earn.

If you are not getting information from someone who is already wealthy, then you're probably getting information from the wrong people. Most people ask their brother-in-law, the guy next door, or the girl they know, how do I earn more? Well, if they knew, they'd be earning it. They don't know. And most people talk to people that don't know. Carlyle put it very well. He said he did not believe in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. And that's where most people are getting it from people that don't know any more than themselves. I was in the fire department in a suburb of Toronto, and there was a man there who became a friend of mine, Ray Stanford.

He gave me a copy of Think and Grow Rich. And he said, Bob if you do exactly what I tell you and read this book every day, you can give anything you want. Well, I mean, I was unhappy, I was sick, and I was broke. And you would have thought it was nonsense. But he said something else. He said, Listen, my way is working yours, isn't it? He was happy, healthy, and wealthy. Always had money on him. And the big healthy guy. And he said you're unhappy. Second broke. So he said, I must know something you don't know. Why the hell don't you do what I tell you? And so I started what he suggested, and he said, what do you really want? All I wanted was some money. I was earning $4,000 a year at the time, and I owed 60. If I had paid everything I earned for 18 months, I would have just broken even. It was an impossible situation. And he said, Listen, write what you want on a card.

Now, I got a gold card in my pocket. I've carried one ever since. He said, Write what you want in the carding event he wants. So he said, what do you really want? And I said I want some money. So I wrote that I wanted to have $25,000.If I had gotten together all the people I know or knew at that time and put all their money together, we wouldn't have come up with $25,000.We probably wouldn't come up with a thousand. I mean, it was an enormous amount of money. It was nuts. So I wrote that picture. He said you're going to read it every day. And he keeps saying, did you read it? And I'm sorry, he got me reading it. Reading a book or reading no, read the gold card. Read the book.

Just a gold card. Read the gold card. I'm so happy and grateful now that I have 25,000. And I learned something very important from it. All I thought about prior to that was debt. Because people are always telling me, I wouldn't you going to pay me. If you think about debt, you're going to be in debt forever. You become what you think about. Well, this gold card got me thinking about earning money. I never thought of earning money before. I thought about debt all the time, and it got me thinking about earning money. So I started to hear people talking about earning money. And because I heard them talking about it, it's got me thinking about it. And some guy said, there are good money cleaning floors. I said no problem. I don't clean floors. I was prepared to do it now and then. So I started cleaning one office, and by the end of the year, I was earning $14,500 a month. What? I was in the fire department. The chief was only earning 11,500 a year. I was earning 14,500. This was in a year from the start. Well, I started to clean one office. Canada Starts. I washed the floor twice a month.$15 a time ago, for $30.

Then I got another one, Kirby's Construction. I got 65 a month. What do you know? In less than five years, I was cleaning an office in Toronto, Montreal. Boston.Cleveland. Atlanta.London, England. I mean, think of going like a rocket. How should people be developing their imagination on a daily basis in a positive way? Well, I think they should take time to imagine what they want. I have a business partner, Sandy Gallagher, who's a brilliant woman, and she rides horses, gated horses. And she's in Kentucky right now. And she images herself as a world champion every day. She takes the time, and she sees herself as a world champion. She sees herself getting neurosis, getting the whole thing. And that's what you should do. I think you built the image of what you want. You obviously imagine this studio before you ever built it. I mean, everything you see here was part of the image in your mind.

But everything you create, you create twice. Once in here, once out here. So you never get an original painting. You always get a duplicate. The picture is in here. Wow. So we have to see ourselves with what we want here now. We've got enormous deterrents in our paradigm. We're conditioned genetically and environmentally, and that conditioning is controlling most people's lives. That's why brilliant people are broke. Brilliant people are unhappy. Brilliant people never really accomplished very much. They're absolutely brilliant, but their paradigm is controlling them. It's all about intellect. I'm firmly convinced. If a person doesn't understand a paradigm a paradigm is nothing but a multitude of habits. They're programmed into your subconscious mind to control your behavior. It's got nothing to do with how smart you are. It's got nothing to do with what your formal education is. It's got nothing to do with which side of the tracks you come from. It has to do with your paradigm.

The paradigm is a program in your subconscious mind. It's both genetic and environmental that's controlling your behavior. Everyone that can hear my voice knows how to do better than they're doing. And you may wonder, why don't they do it? It's because you're programmed to do what you're doing. And until you change the program, nothing's going to change. The paradigm has to be changed. Most people live through their senses because we're programmed to do that literally. We're programmed genetically and then environmentally to go by what we hear, see, smell, taste, and touch. But, you know, I have a dog at home that can hear the sea, smell, taste, and touch. All animal life operates through the senses. We've been created in God's image. We have these higher faculties. We are creative beings, literally. We have a perception, will, reason, imagination, memory, and intuition. There are the faculties that make us separate from everything else. Like all the other little creatures on the planet are completely at home in their environment. We're the only creature that is totally disoriented in our environment and that's because we've been given the faculties to create our own environment. 

Right. But we've never been taught how to use them. What is the power of generosity? Do for the other person and do for you? The giver. Givers gain. I think the giver enjoys more than the receiver. And I'm convinced that giving is one of the basic rules of success. You know, ever since said that cause and effect was the law of laws. Action and reaction are equal and opposite. So it's in harmony with the laws of the universe. And I believe this whole universe operates in a very orderly way. I'm very tuned into laws, the laws of the universe, and I think that's why when I could win, anybody can win. It's just a matter of getting the right information from the right people.

I think we get too much information from the wrong people. And personal development today is such a well-known thing that for anybody not to be developing themselves personally, it's rather sad, I think. So we have to help them as long as we can. Like, I don't think a person deliberately destroys himself. I think they're misguided. They don't know they're Lost.

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